Lerskov Plantation
Read more about Lerskov Plantation in Aabenraa Kommune here.
The 140-hectare plantation, Lerskov Plantation, is located around six kilometres north of Aabenraa and two kilometres southwest of Genner. The most significant kame in Jutland, Genner Kame, follows a southwest/northeast route through the area with mossy hollows on both sides.
The Lerskov Battery, a WW1 emplacement with pillboxes, can be seen from the road in the westernmost part of the woods. The battery was one of eight large emplacements comprising Sikringsstilling Nord built by the Germans in 1916-18 to prevent a British attack from the north following an expected landing in Esbjerg.
From the ammunition bunker, a narrow-gauge track runs west into the privately owned woods to the 24-cam gun platform.